Noooooooo! After three transfers, I was moved out of TianMu. 🙁 So on Thursday, I had to take my luggage and move over to a place called ZhongHe. Fortunately it’s still in Taipei, which is what I wanted! As an added plus, there’s a Costco pretty close to our house…and I still have a Costco card!
On my last Pday before I moved out of TianMu, Elder Puzey and I went with the ShiLin sisters, our good friend Carol, two girls from the ward in ShiLin, and one of the investigators from ShiLin named Adam, to this place called the National Palace Museum!
It was really fun – we were able to see the Terracotta Warriors that were on loan from China! Since each section of the huge museum costs more money, we didn’t go see any of the other things, like the famous jade cabbage, but it was still really enjoyable.
After we finished at the museum, we headed over to a nearby bowling alley! I haven’t played in over a year, so it was fun to try it out again.
We also had someone named Milly join us – Milly’s super awesome…we’ve been meeting with her for a couple months now. She works at a movie theater and gave us free popcorn when we visited her there once! 😀

So pleased with Timo’s decision to be baptized, and so happy to be able to share the experience with him!
This last Sunday, I got a chance to go back to our chapel in ShiLin one last time even though I moved – it was Timo’s baptism! He was baptized and confirmed on Sunday, which was great! He’ll be leaving relatively soon to move to England to study for his Master’s degree. I look forward to being able to keep in touch with him and to hear about everything he does there! (Thanks for the photo, Carol!)
I’m now here in ZhongHe working on getting to know everyone and finding some more people to teach. Some missionaries in this area have said that it’s pretty hard to find people here and the ward isn’t that helpful. I don’t think there’ll be any problems though. I believe ZhongHe has the highest population density in all of Taiwan (maybe in the world?) – I’ll definitely be able to find people here.
– Elder Austin Simonson
(Thanks for the snapchat video, Karen! I forgot to include it last week…too funny to not post!)