Last Monday, we had the chance to go to this one place called Scissors Rock (剪刀石) and do some hiking! The hike isn’t actually that hard (it’s mostly semi-natural stair steps…like most of Taiwan’s hikes are), and once you get to the top (Scissors Rock), you can see a lot of the city! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Jorgensen
According to Taiwan, I’m Really an Adult Now

So let me get this straight – now that I’m an adult and can get my own credit card and bank accounts, that means if I use the card, I have to have money in the bank account to pay for the charges every month?
Yay – I finally made it to 20 years old! Here in Taiwan, I’m now considered to actually be an adult, meaning that I can open bank and credit card accounts, and sign contracts on my own! I feel so old…😉 Continue reading
Costco and Volcanoes

Oh, Elder….shame you didn’t send more pictures. Guess I’ll just have to ‘honor’ you with this little photo collage….consider it my gift to you! lol
Love you, Buggie!
Last Monday, we had an awesome member named Paul, drive us to this cool park called 華山公園, that has lots of exhibits (they have exhibition halls there and what exhibits are up always rotates). Continue reading