This last week was pretty fun! I ended up giving a twenty minute talk in church – I’d say it was an accomplishment since I had the entire thing typed up in Chinese characters. I wanted to test myself, so I just used the characters and no Romanization (the use of the Latin alphabet to phonetically replace the Chinese characters). It actually wasn’t that difficult! I think it ended up being about 5 pages long.
Actually, there hasn’t been that much out of the ordinary that has happened here this last week!
We have been teaching some middle school aged kids English (English class is every Thursday in Fuli) – our focus lately has been on common questions and answers (like how old are you, where are you from, etc), however,
we did have to spend some time teaching them that the use of certain 4 letter words found on many of their articles of clothing, were inappropriate words to be using! That was a fun lesson! lol (Many people in Taiwan have clothing/apparel that has “English bombs” on them because it has no meaning to them.)
Today we’re going over to the Sister’s apartment to help them move; they’re moving to the apartment on the floor below them. Missionaries live to serve!
Have a great week everyone!
– Elder Austin Simonson
(Big shout out to Zhang Ya Xuan for the following fun photos she sent…and the feature photo!)