Merry Christmas! … And a Happy New Year!

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Christmas is Coming! Christmas is Coming!

Minion missionary and train station worker…or is he a bandit?

Yay 玉里 (Yuli) had a baptism this last week! On Saturday, 丁姐妹 (Sister Ding), one of the people the sister missionaries have been teaching, got baptized in a hot spring! It was pretty since it was in a member’s backyard and the water was pumped in from the nearby hot springs. She’s a really solid member and will be a great addition to our branch here in 玉里 (Yuli). Continue reading

A Regular Week

Just another day in the life of Sparkles, the missionary!

This last week was pretty fun! I ended up giving a twenty minute talk in church – I’d say it was an accomplishment since I had the entire thing typed up in Chinese characters. I wanted to test myself, so I just used the characters and no Romanization (the use of the Latin alphabet to phonetically replace the Chinese characters). It actually wasn’t that difficult! I think it ended up being about 5 pages long. Continue reading