Yay Hiking…and Bugs!

Taipei skyline

Taipei skyline

Life is looking up for Letty since her baptism two days ago!

Had a pretty fun week last week! On Monday, we went with one of Elder Tan’s RCs over to 象山 (XiangShan) to go hiking. I’ve been there twice before actually, but it was still an enjoyable hike! From the top, you’re able to look out and see a lot of Taipei (and Taipei 101 of course!). Continue reading

Yay Still No Luggage

Too much time on their hands...or keeping Elder Tan on his toes?

Too much time on their hands…or keeping Elder Tan on his toes?

So apparently the moving company still hasn’t picked up my luggage from my old area of TianMu. I’m hoping to actually get my stuff before this transfer is over! Haha! Once they pick it up, it only takes about a day for them to bring it over to where I live now, since it’s pretty close. I’ve been having to wash my clothes every few days since I didn’t bring all my clothes with me – a lot of them are in the suitcases that are still in TianMu. To add to that, our washing machine broke today, so we’re pretty much out of luck. Continue reading